We all know that sometimes our kids’ experiences don’t always match our expectations. And with a family vacation being such a big investment (time and money), we all want to make sure it goes smoothly and is Unforgettable and the “talk of the table” for many years to come. One of the best ways to ensure the kids are excited and invested in your family’s trip, is to get them involved early, by including them in the planning. By giving kids a chance to have a say in where to go and what to do, they will be much more likely to enjoy and remember the trip. In addition, they will build some valuable life skills in the process!
Top Reasons you should involve your kids in the planning

Broadens their horizons. Helps get kids reading and learning about other places (gets them out of their day to day bubble). Also, they will be more apt to learn about the destination before and during the trip.
Teaches life skills and builds confidence. Giving even one day to plan with a budget and timing, allows kids to figure out logistics, time management and budgeting; all valuable lifetime skills.
Supports THEIR interests & earns their cooperation. Including kids in vacation planning helps them feel like they have an opinion about where to go and what to do, and this gets them more excited, interested and cooperative. And it will also ensure the trip will include something that they are really into.
How to get your kids involved in the planning
Introduce the idea of a vacation ‘budget’. Share a target budget and explain that this estimated figure has to cover travel, accommodations, meals and activities. Help kids start a “wish list” of their must see sights, activities and food. This can help kids understand trade-offs – for example if staying in a hotel with a pool is high on their wish list, it might mean foregoing a certain expensive activity.

Brainstorm a destination. Set aside a dedicated time together and give each family member a chance to “pitch” their ideal vacation spot. Ask everyone to include a few reasons why they think their pick with be fun and ‘unforgettable’ for the family. Synthesize the feedback to narrow down your top choices.
Plan activities and accommodations. Consider putting each family member in charge of a particular day of the vacation, and have them research and plan this day’s activities, food choices (and accommodation if appropriate) all to fit within the established budget. This can be a great opportunity for kids to learn about prioritizing and ‘the art of compromise’ !
Plan a pre-vacation “Hopes & Fears” dinner. Preparation is key to the success of any family adventure, and giving the opportunity for each person to express what they are looking forward to (“hopes”), as well as what they are worried about (“fears”) will help lay a great foundation for the trip.
Hold a “packing party” before you go. Have kids research the weather and any special dress requirements for your trip, and start a list of items they will bring. Help them choose items that can be mixed and matched and take up less space.
You will find that getting your kids involved in the planning stages actually makes for happier trips for everyone!

Even if you already have a general vacation plan in mind, engaging kids in the details makes them feel more invested and teaches them that they have a stake in the whole family having fun. And what’s better than that?
If you are ready to start planning your family vacation and need a little help to get started, let us know… We can help!